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    Peter Savage - novels

    CirceCorp is excellent at following instructions and always completes the projects on time and on budget. We use them regularly now as one of our main designers.

    Logo Light Messages Editore USA
    Light Messages - Editore USA

    The Killing Kind

    I like the cover a lot. This book has had several editions at this point, but I think that's one of the better covers it's had.

    Bryan Smith - Autore

    Die Kinder Gaias - Saga

    Working with CirceCorp is always a wonderful experience. She takes care of customers wishes and is doing changes very quickly. Correspondence is always kind and friendly. I will definitely work with CirceCorp again in the near future.

    Stefanie Kullick - Autrice

    PS: Du fehlst mir

    CirceCorp is very quick and responsible. She was also very patient with me and required my needs very well. I love the designs she did and would definitely like to work with her again.

    Hannah Siebern - Autrice

    As a Black Prince on Bloody Fields

    CirceCorp brought exceptional creativity, professionalism and inspiration to the project. I highly recommend her.

    Thomas W. Jensen - Autore